On the necessity and possibility of the enactment of "party law" 制定“政党法”的必要性和可能性分析
A Research on the Influence of the Enactment of Urban-rural Planning Law on Green Space System Planning 《城乡规划法》颁布对我国绿地系统规划编制的影响
One of the voices calling for swift enactment of a new law was the State Administration of industry and commerce, which cited growing foreign domination in the supermarket sector among others. 中国国家工商行政管理局呼吁迅速实施新的法律,该机构援引外资在中国超市领域日益占主导地位等作为例证。
The enactment and the enforcement of law should adhere to the moral principles. 法律的制定和实施遵循道德原则。
Because of the serious impact of the insider trading, a lot of countries provide serious sanction in their enactment of law. 由于内幕交易的严重社会危害性,很多国家对内幕交易行为都立法给予严厉制裁。
China's Accession to WTO and Enactment of Anti-monopoly Law 加入WTO与我国反垄断立法
But there is still obvious differences on a lot of basic theoretical questions, thus the process of the enactment of antitrust law of our country is restrained. 但仍有许多基本理论问题存在明显分歧,从而严重制约了我国反垄断立法的进程。
The enactment and enforcement of Law of State Compensation of People's Republic of China established the system of state compensation. 《中华人民共和国国家赔偿法》的颁布实施在我国建立起了国家赔偿制度。
As fair and appropriate judicial procedure is called on in practice, the enactment of the law of evidence has become urgent. 在正当程序呼声日益高涨的今天,我国证据法典的制定已刻不容缓。
Studying the relationship between organ transplantation and personal right not only can solve the passive effects but also stand on human dignity. In addition, it can improve the enactment of law of organ transplantation and realize the spirit of humanism of modern civil law. 对器官移植与人身权关系问题的探究,既可以解决器官移植带来的负面影响,也有利于充分尊重人格尊严,促进器官移植法的制定和完善,实现现代民法以人为本的核心精神。
The Enactment of the Criminal Law of PRC and its Basic Principles 《中华人民共和国刑法》的产生及基本原则
The enactment of Anti trust law is necessary to the regulation of economic monopoly, the establishment of market economy system and the security of our national economy. 规制经济垄断、建立市场经济体制、维护国民经济安全需要反垄断法。
This article through analysis of Japan's tourism law, is aimed to provide reference for the establishment of China's tourism law system, in particular for the enactment of fundamental tourism law. 本文通过对日本旅游法的分析,希望能为建立我国旅游法律体系,尤其是制定旅游发展的根本大法提供参照。
It totally accords with the enactment of criminal law in China and judicial practice; 法益说完全切合我国刑事立法和司法实践。
Criminal responsibility is the utmost problem of enactment of criminal law and in judicial trial, is the inherent foundation of criminal law whether in British and America legal system, or in the continent's legal system. 无论在英美法系,还是大陆法系刑法体系中,刑事责任都是刑事立法和司法审判的根本问题,是刑事法律存在的内在根据。
The enactment and implementation of the law has greatly promoted the ROK's agricultural mechanization and modernization. 它的制定与施行有力地促进了韩国农业的机械化和现代化。
In the past 9 years, China's enactment of corporate law has contributed a lot to the development of national economy. 应当讲,1994年《公司法》的颁布实施,对于促进我国公司发展、规范公司行为发挥了重要作用。
Several Important Issues about the Enactment of Law of Property Right 物权法制定过程中的几个重要问题
Thereby, many scholars appealed the enactment of Press Law or Public Opinion Supervision Law. 因此不少专家学者呼吁《新闻法》或《舆论监督法》的出台。
Therefore, Under Ministry of Justice, establishing the general bureau of criminal executive and the department of state criminal executive will be helpful to the legalization of criminal executive with the help of the enactment of Criminal Executive Law and the establishment of perfected judicial review system. 因此,在司法部下设刑事执行总局,待条件成熟后成立国家刑事执行部,并辅之以《刑事执行法》,建立完善的司法审查制度,逐步实现刑罚执行的法治化。
Founded in the revolutionary base area period, the commutation system of PRC is perfected by the enactment of the Criminal Law in 1979 and succeeding amendments. 新中国的减刑制度创立于革命根据地时期,79年刑法的制定和其后的修订使减刑制度更加完善。
Including 79 years after the enactment of criminal law, i.e. the beginning of reform and opening up legislation. 具体包括79年刑法颁布后,即改革开放初期的立法。
Especially, with enactment of the "Criminal Law Amendment ( eight)", dangerous driving behaviors have been defined as a crime. Therefore, the research about traffic accident crime will play a important role in theory and practice. 尤其是随着《刑法修正案(八)》的颁布,将一些危险驾驶行为入罪又将掀起讨论的热潮,因此,对交通肇事罪的研究将有很深的理论和现实意义。
97 years after the enactment of criminal law and on the national staff of main body cognizance legislation and judicial interpretation. 以及97年刑法颁布后关于国家工作人员主体认定方面的立法及司法解释。
The part four elaborates the enactment of the Property Law of China impact on the urban resettlement system. 第四部分阐述了《物权法》颁布后对我国城市房屋拆迁制度的影响,从积极影响和局限性两个方面进行了论述。
Regarding the enactment of anti-monopoly law as a watershed in China, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the antitrust situation. 以《反垄断法》的颁布实施作为一个分水岭,我国的反垄断局面发生一个翻天覆地的变化。
The first part from the political, economic, and cultural to introduces the historical background of the enactment of the marriage law. At the same time also introduces the legislative process. 本文分为三章,第一章介绍婚姻法颁布的历史背景,从政治、经济、文化方面剖析了婚姻法得以制定的原因,与此同时还介绍了婚姻法制定的过程。
Network economy is a new problem that anti-monopoly law has to face in the 21st century, because it has brought in a new economy form, and some economics issues and political factors, and enactment of China anti-monopoly law have to deal with network economy. 网络经济中新的经济形态、其背后的经济学以及政治因素使其成为21世纪反垄断法必须面对的新课题,中国反垄断立法亦不能回避网络经济。
97 years since the enactment of criminal law for nearly 10 years, the implementation of unlimited defense did not, as some scholars have predicted as: unlimited defense right people to be abused by the legal collapse of an exaggeration to say that point. 97年刑法颁布至今将近十年的时间,并没有如一些学者所危言耸听预言那样,无限防卫权被人们所滥用,法律面临崩溃的地步。